Monday, September 20, 2010

What This Is All About!

Hi everyone!

Starting this blog has been an idea I’ve had for quite some time now. Unfortunately I never got around it, and I’m very excited that we are required to start blogging for this class. Now, I have no more excuses!

This blog is going to be about a lot of different things. As the title already implies, most things will be shaped to serve a female audience, but that doesn’t mean that none of the things I talk about will be useful and relevant to men.

I will focus a lot on weight loss- smart eating- healthy lifestyle- and exercise. I’ve been inspired by my lovely friend Bonnie who has been on a weight loss journey for a couple years now. She has managed to shed over 30 lbs, and she accomplished that in a very simple way. I will get into details on a later post.

Another topic I will probably focus on is skincare. This is probably one of the most important things in a girl’s life. I love reading about new remedies, usual practices, and common tips that are out there. A lot of times I try things out, a lot of times my friends do- either way, I will tell you about it – what works & what doesn’t!

Hair styling & Makeup tips will also be part of this blog. I’ve come a long way in teaching myself how to style my hair- as well as doing my makeup. I will share many tips and techniques with you! I will also talk about a lot of new things I try and see out there.

Lastly, I read a lot of girly magazines- Glamour, Cosmo, Marie Claire, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Lucky, Shape, and many others. Now, don’t think I have subscriptions to all of these magazines...that would be kinda crazy! I just pick up whatever I find interesting for the month. So, you’ll be seeing a lot of my reviews and opinions about articles I read.

Sometimes, I might just share with you an encounter I had that relates to the above topics or anything I find interesting and helpful for girls to know! Either way, this will be fun and interesting!

My goal is to try posting at least every other day! So look out for my updates! =)
